Oct 12, 2008

Rail yard story (Rail Yard Pollution)

Click title for story link. By Andrew EdwardsStaff WriterSAN BERNARDINO -- Air pollution cutbacks can't come soon enough for several people who live near BNSF Railway's yard here. Westside residents crowded the council chambers at City Hall Wednesday night to demand air quality improvements around their neighborhoods. State regulators and BNSF employees heard about three hours from angry, frightened and impassioned words from people who demanded to know why the best possible technology could not be purchased for the San Bernardino rail yard at the earliest possible time. Wednesday's meeting followed the release of a draft cleanup plan that sets targets for emissions reductions to be achieved in 2015 and 2020. Although BNSF executive Mark Stehly took pains to point out the rail company has tried to cut pollution since 2005, but many in the audience remained upset by having to wait for more breathable air.