Oct 18, 2008

Rail Traffic Evaluation

I've copied and pasted the email message sent out yesterday from FDOT representitives. The Florida Department of Transportation District One Rail Traffic Evaluation Website is up and running. You may visit the website by clicking on this link: http://www.fdotrailtrafficevaluation.com/. Please note that some applications cannot open a web page directly from an email link. If this happens to you, open your internet browser application (Internet Explorer, America Online, Firefox, etc.), copy the address from this email and then paste it into the browser's address bar. The website includes an overview of the project, downloadable presentations and materials from previous public workshops, links to related municipal and transit-oriented resources, and contact information for the project. The website will be updated with new information as the project moves forward. Thank you very much for your interest and participation in the District One Rail Traffic Evaluation project.