Oct 2, 2008

Downtown 'Party' Is On Hold For Now

Click title for news link. Published: Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 9:50 p.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 10:26 p.m. LAKELAND A tiger on a leash - or better yet, a gator - serves as fitting a metaphor as any for Lakeland's downtown sector. Civic and business leaders said as much Tuesday at the annual luncheon meeting of the Downtown Lakeland Partnership, a 140-member group dedicated to downtown prosperity, at The Lakeland Center. Members and guest speakers painted a rosy picture of the city's future - taller buildings, more condominiums, shops and entertainment venues, and yes, more parking garages. The only thing holding up the party is, of course, the wallowing economy. "It's no longer a question IF downtown Lakeland will be successful," Jim Studiale, the city's director of community development, said to a crowd of roughly 300. "We are sure of success."