Nov 5, 2007

Intermodal Questions

A group from Kansas email these to me and I thought they were well worth an answer. Questions for our elected representatives and public servants: Do you understand the health risks of Intermodal Rail Yards and their associated warehouses and diesel truck transportation? Do you understand that the proposed CSX Intermodal Rail Yard will increase cancer rates for those living nearby? Do you understand that the diesel exhaust from Intermodal locomotives and truck traffic to warehouses will trigger asthma attacks in children? Do you understand that Intermodal Rail Yards increase death rates of those living nearby? Do you believe there is nothing you can do to prevent health damage from the CSX intermodal? Do you think that the proposed CSX Intermodal Rail Yard will be good for Polk County? Do you think that you can trust CSX to do your job and protect the health of the citizens of Polk County? Do you understand the traffic congestion and other impacts of the proposed Intermodal Rail Yard? Do you believe you have a responsibility to assess the impacts of the proposed Intermodal Rail Yard, and protect the citizens? Do you know that 80 percent of the health risks can be mitigated - if and only if public officials assess the impacts and ensure the necessary protections are put in place?

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