Oct 17, 2007

Questions About Rail, County, and FDOT

I've provided a link about the preappliation meeting in Winter Haven at Nora Mayo Hall for the CSX project. http://www.theledger.com/article/20071016/NEWS/710160382/1338/NEWS00 There are a few points lacking in the story, which I intend to follow up on with due diligence. No one seems to have pointed out the fact that CSX had a different company purchase the property. Is this a blatant attempt to circumvent the pending lawsuit? If we're asking ourselves is this good for our region, then this type of open side stepping of the laws at the expense of residents would surely be a clue. If not for this reason, then why? Next, Sue Nelson, alternate for the Polk Planning Commission raised very valid questions at the end of the meeting and no one seems to be looking into those. She said she had emails showing county employees and FDOT employees trying to hide the rail yard and impacts from the citizens of Polk. As soon as we have obtained the emails, we will post them here.