Oct 7, 2007

Meeting at Traditions

It's been reported to me that there was a CSX informational meeting at the Traditons clubhouse in Winter Haven to homeowners. One of the homeowners arranged to have David Dickey with the City of Winter Haven there, along with Wally Krouson of Lake Ashton, who opposes the ILC site. I was not invited, but have been told it was a rather low key session with relatively few questions asked. I did hear that David Dickey left right after his presentation and did not stay for Wally Krouson's. The homeowner who had invited them was rather upset at what she thought was rudeness on Dickey's part. Also four homeowners left at the same time, one stating that he owned stock in CSX and didn't care what they did, as long as he earned money. De De Chavuzzi also answered questions at the end. The meeting ended around 10pm.