Dec 15, 2008
State Road 60 residents weigh in on CSX plan
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By Shelly GodefrinNews Chief staff
Published: Friday, December 12, 2008 at 4:01 a.m. Last Modified: Friday, December 12, 2008 at 8:14 a.m.
HOMELAND - A rail-truck freight terminal is expected to bring growth to the State Road 60 corridor, but residents there want to maintain their rural lifestyle.
About 50 residents and city and county officials attended an informational S.R. 60 meeting Thursday night at Homeland Methodist Church south of Bartow.
The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the public to and get feedback about the Gateway Selected Area Study, which is aimed at developing a vision and plan for the future of the area to the north and south of S.R. 60.
The plan will look at existing infrastructure, urban services, environmental features, transportation and economic development.