Apr 8, 2008

She'll be comin' round the mountain, when she comes

Thursday, April 3, 2008 She'll be comin' round the mountain, when she comes Union Pacific wants to build a massive rail yard near Picacho Peak near the site of a Civil War battle in 1862. A bipartisan group of legislators, led by Rep. Jonathan Paton, R-Tucson, are seeking to add some safeguards to ensure the railroad works with neighboring land owners and minimizes the environmental impact of a complex larger than Sky Harbor International Airport. The Arizona Daily Star devotes significant space to the conflict today. Here is the story and here is the bill. HB2156 has already cleared the House and is awaiting floor action in the Senate. Last year, the governor vetoed a bill that would have given the Corporation Commission a little more say in how or even if the rail yard gets built. The measures introduced by Paton would help ensure private property rights since railroads have the power to take property through eminent domain. Posted by ArizonaHouse at 9:30 AM